Capt. Klurk barks out a command. Captain's voice by Richard Firth.
Mr. Cowalski gets flustered and hits the Time Warp button.
The U.S.S. Fulton's Folly passes itself in the time warp.
The Captain tries to restore order.
The ship ends up in the vicinity of Earth.
Junior Spritzer and his movie camera prowl the local park. Larry Binninger provides
the voice of Junior Spritzer.
Mr. Specks and the Captain break in on Mr.Scotch engaging in his favorite passtime.
Voice of Mr. Specks provided by Chris Christoplolus. Voice of Mr. Scotch by Tom Binninger.
The beam out effect involved an in-camera lap-dissolve and the characters' image
progressively scratched off the film with bleach on a pen tip.
Mr. Specks and the Captain realize that they're not at the starbase.
Junior requests that the Captain and Mr. Specks "Smile, please".

June and Old Lobster find Junior's camera.
Mr. Scotch beams Junior's camera aboard and gets June and Old Lobster along with
it. Junior tells them that these strangers are trying to steal his camera.
The Spritzers hold onto the movie camera and escape from the transporter room.
Security guard Mr. Chek takes it on the chin while trying to capture the Old Lobster.
Capt. Klurk intercepts the camera after the Spritzers try to keep it from the crew.
He takes the film of his accidental visit to the 20th century to be processed.
Mr. Specks bids farewell to Junior, Old Lobster and Mrs. Spritzer.
"Live long and make a lot of money."
The ship flips for its return trip to the 23rd century.
Giving credit where its due. This acknowledgement would appear in the subsequent
STAR TRIX films as well.