A prologue was done explaining the events from STAR TRIX III.

Unlike the 1970's version, the ship passes before the planet as a solid
The ship arcs out from behind the planet before ir explodes.
The narration explains that Scotch's blunder was covered up when the surviving
bridge crew were rescued.
Klurk is now admiral in charge of vending machines but wants command of
a starship again. Main Titles.
A mysterious, gigantic cloud appears in space.
Klingon battlecruisers encounter the strange cloud.
The Klingon captain is informed of the cloud. (The blue light under his
seat caused his foot to melt.)
The captain decides that the cloud is phony.
The captain's order is translated. (Their native language sounds like belches.)
The Klingon weapon glows red as it powers up.
Space station KMart is orbiting not far from the scene.

Space Mall boss J.L. counts his loot while Mindy monitors the Klingons.
The Klingons fire a photon torpedo at the cloud.
The cloud fires something bigger back at them.

The Klingon ship is hit and becomes digitized.
Another energy bolt strikes the main Klingon ship.
Unable to escape, the last ship is digitized.
With the killer cloud approaching, J.L is appalled that it will impact holiday
Meanwhile on Vulcan, Specks sips a cold one while undergoing Kolinar training.
Vulcan mistress T'Lard summons Specks to receive his symbol of total logic.

T'Lard dismisses Specks without his Logic T Shirt.
Admiral Bullthrower witnesses the Klingon destruction from Starfleet.
"Send for Admiral Klurk". Mr. Spritzer from the Spritzer family films gets
to play Adml. Bullthrower.
Our Hero, at a museum in Egypt, receives the call via brain implant transceiver.
Klurk grudgingly leaves for headquarters, vowing to get command of a starship
He plans to confront his superior before he boards the shuttle.
The Shuttle leaving Egypt for Starfleet Command in San Francisco.
Shuttle landing was done live with no wires. How'd we do it?
Klurk informs the Vulcan Lt. Sonar that he plans to command the Fulton's
Folly II. Sonar is not thrilled.
Bullthrower takes aim at his Klingon dartboard.
Klurk makes his pitch to command the Fulton's Folly II.
Klurk beams up to the orbiting space office.
Mr. Scotch awaits Klurk at the space office. Utley (the orange thing) goes
about his business.
The new beam-in effect. The upper and lower transporter pads were illuminated.
Klurk wants to know why he couldn't beam directly to the ship. Scotch gives
his excuses.
In the travel pod, Klurk brings up some of Scotch's past mistakes.
The pod approaches the starship in drydock.
After a swift tour of the vessel, the pod prepares for docking.
The pod abruptly connects with the ship and deposits the whirling captain
in the corridor.

The bridge is a chaotic mess of pre-launch preparations. Utley is warming
the captain's chair.
Klurk is greeted by an accidental punch in the face by Alluring. Lt. Flerp
is horrified.
Klurk will explain the mission on the rec deck later. First he'll take command
from Capt. Heckler.
Heckler and Scotch troubleshooting in engineering before Klurk stumbles
After his awkward entrance, Klurk informs Heckler that he'll be taking command
of the ship.
Heckler doesn't take the news very well.
A system shorts out which causes a malfunction in the transporter.
Scotch and Klurk rush to the transporter room to stop Science Officer Bill
from beaming aboard.
Lt. Yohnson gets a dubious assist from Klurk and Scotch at the transporter
Even in the 23rd century, Mr. Bill can't seem to avoid being mutilated.
The U.S.S. Fulton's Folly in earth orbit awaiting final crew boarding.
Mr. Pastafazoola and Klurk are anxious to meet Lt. Ineedya.
Ineedya sizes up her captain and first officer.
With the transporter repaired, Yohnson beams up the last crew member.
Klurk greets Magillacuddy with a little prank.
A crewman is the first to play along with the captain's joke.
Klurk assembles the crew on the rec deck to explain their mission.
A replay of the Klingon ship destruction is shown.
After transmitting the image, Space Station K Mart is also destroyed.
The crew decides to boldly go . . . home!